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#1 2022-08-14 19:19:18


80 photos from different dates. One album. Separate by creation date?

Ladles and Jellyspoons,

I've uploaded 80 photos taken over a period of 4 months on several different date.
They all belong to the same album really but what I would like to do is to separate them (not into sub-albums) but to kinda draw a line between different dates with the date above the line maybe? Just to indicate - those photos were takes on lets say 30/05/2022 and those on 01/06/2022. Possible? How?

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Thanks in advance for any help provided.



Last edited by AndrzejL (2022-08-14 19:20:16)



#2 2022-08-15 07:50:44

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: 80 photos from different dates. One album. Separate by creation date?

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#3 2022-08-15 11:09:01


Re: 80 photos from different dates. One album. Separate by creation date?

Hi ddtddt!

I am afraid that's not what I had in mind. I must have not explain it right.

What I am looking for is a breakdown of the files uploaded into the folder by the creation date.

I am learning to code in html but I am faaaar away from being able to even try and modify the behaviour of projects like piwigo. I barely started learning html / css. Maybe in far distant future I could do it.

Ok I will try and explain it better by making an ugly mockup graphics.

As you can see I made changes using a pink color so that they are easily noticable.

Of course I would like that line and text not to be pink. I would like that line to be pretty and matching the general theme. Same with text.

But to better describe the picture lets say this:

- I would like to have a button somewhere in the admin panel that will say something like "Separate albums by photo creation date" with a checkbox next to it.
- When the checkbox is unticked - default behaviour is what we have now
- When the box is ticked every time someone (registered user OR guest) visits the page the see the albums broken down into "Photo was taken on:" sections.

Example. I have uploaded 80 photos

10 were taken on 2022/05/31
70 were taken on 2022/05/30

Instead of grouping all the photos like its a default behaviour now, album is broken down into two dates, they are separated with a nice lines and there is an information about the date the photos were created on and the number of photos created on that date. Not in pink. In a nice font format that's matching current theme. In a nice color that will look coherent.

The upload date - does not matter. IF I added another 40 photos from  3 different dates to this folder - they should be separated into 3 lines again. 5 in total. If I add more photos taken on different day - another line. I just want to be able to show the photos from one date in one group. Separated from other groups so that the photo creation date is easily visible and that the visitor knows "Oh he took 1000 photos of this project in total and those are 20 photos he took on 2022/06/25.

I hope I am explaining it better...

Thanks in advance.


Last edited by AndrzejL (2022-08-15 11:15:58)


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