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#1 2019-04-24 15:44:26

Piwigo Team
Nantes, France, Europe

Piwigo 2.10 and updated Modus as default theme

Hi Piwigo lovers :-)

I know we're very late on Piwigo 2.10. We're preparing some nice evolution, including this one concerning gallery theme.

Theme Elegant has been Piwigo default theme for 7 years (since Piwigo 2.4.0). Piwigo needs a refresh and this is what Modus can bring: Modus uses font-icons (vector icons, sharp whatever your pixel density), is responsive, has modern thumbnail display and has nice features such as built-in automatic size. Furthermore it's quite compatible with all plugins.

To give Modus an even nicer look, Hannah has prepared 8 new skins

You can see them live:
* Newspaper
* Splash
* Quartz
* Café Latte
* Neon Orange
* Neon Pink
* Blueberry
* Swimming Pool

I plan to remove themes {dark, clear, Sylvia} from Piwigo core, keep {default, elegant, SmartPocket} and add {Modus}. I would prefer to keep Modus in a separated repository, but I think it's complicated. What do you think?

Considering Modus is responsive, SmartPocket would no longer be activated by default.



#2 2019-04-24 18:18:57

Piwigo Team

Re: Piwigo 2.10 and updated Modus as default theme

I plan to remove themes {dark, clear, Sylvia} from Piwigo core

do we them as independent themes or do we eradicate them from this world (my preference)

keep {default, elegant, SmartPocket} and add {Modus}. I would prefer to keep Modus in a separated repository, but I think it's complicated. What do you think?

if Modus goes to the core it should be integrated in the main rep

Considering Modus is responsive, SmartPocket would no longer be activated by default.


my only concern is about the plugin compatibility: it's just from my memories, but I may have seen more thread about plugins issues with modus than bootstrap. I trust you if you say you checked that in depth, I'm only rising a flag

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#3 2019-04-24 20:50:51

Only trying to help

Re: Piwigo 2.10 and updated Modus as default theme

Does Modus collaborate nicely with gdThumb and GThumb+, or will similar thumbnail generation be built-in? As I can see in the skin previews, something like that seems to be used. And how about Extended Description and Fotorama plugins?

If Modus is not the default and SmartPocket disabled, will Modus be automatically used for mobiles or work with / triggered by the Mobile Theme for Tablets plugin?

Other than that, nice previews of Hannah's work :-)
One thing that strikes me is the display of number of images in albums in the menu of all skins, it somehow looks odd to me, like an "alien" element. Can't tell if it's the size or shape or colour, or all..

Running Piwigo at



#4 2019-04-24 20:51:26


Re: Piwigo 2.10 and updated Modus as default theme

It's an attractive theme. I would use it.

One thing...
I'm not a fan of the staggered thumbnails. Is there a config option to turn it off?



#5 2019-04-24 22:00:18

Piwigo Team

Re: Piwigo 2.10 and updated Modus as default theme

issue when resizing with the footer

To get a better help : Politeness like Hello-A link-Your past actions precisely described
Check my extensions : more than 30 available
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My gallery : an illustration of how to integrate Piwigo in your website



#6 2019-04-24 22:09:26

Piwigo Team

Re: Piwigo 2.10 and updated Modus as default theme

erAck wrote:

If Modus is not the default and SmartPocket disabled, will Modus be automatically used for mobiles or work with / triggered by the Mobile Theme for Tablets plugin?

well unfortunately we have not implemented a "defaut desktop theme" and a "defaut mobile theme" but only a "defaut theme" with a "mobile theme fallback"
If i remember well, if a theme is declared as mobile one, it can't be used as a desktop one

To get a better help : Politeness like Hello-A link-Your past actions precisely described
Check my extensions : more than 30 available
who I am and what I do :
My gallery : an illustration of how to integrate Piwigo in your website



#7 2019-04-25 11:01:10

Piwigo Team

Re: Piwigo 2.10 and updated Modus as default theme

erAck wrote:

One thing that strikes me is the display of number of images in albums in the menu of all skins, it somehow looks odd to me, like an "alien" element. Can't tell if it's the size or shape or colour, or all..

Hi, I am not sure I understand which part you find "alien" would it be possible to reiterate, or explain differently which part you are talking about?



#8 2019-04-25 11:04:15

Piwigo Team

Re: Piwigo 2.10 and updated Modus as default theme

flop25 wrote:

issue when resizing with the footer

Thanks for mentioning it, for the footer it is an issue we know about and are going to change (it is part of a list of things still to do for these skins)



#9 2019-04-25 11:11:48

Piwigo Team
Nantes, France, Europe

Re: Piwigo 2.10 and updated Modus as default theme

flop25 wrote:

I plan to remove themes {dark, clear, Sylvia} from Piwigo core

do we them as independent themes or do we eradicate them from this world (my preference)

No eradication planned :-) It's very complicated to tell users "we have decided the theme you have used for years is no longer available". Just like we've been maintaining Sylvia (default theme in versions 2.0 to 2.3), we'll keep Elegant somewhere!

flop25 wrote:

keep {default, elegant, SmartPocket} and add {Modus}. I would prefer to keep Modus in a separated repository, but I think it's complicated. What do you think?

if Modus goes to the core it should be integrated in the main rep

If I find a technical solution to separate Modus from main repository I would prefer (just like we do for default plugins). It's nice to have a separate repository which have its own issue tracker for example.

Having a separate repository would also mean that we keep its current git history.

flop25 wrote:

my only concern is about the plugin compatibility: it's just from my memories, but I may have seen more thread about plugins issues with modus than bootstrap. I trust you if you say you checked that in depth, I'm only rising a flag

As far as I can see in my everyday interactions with users, Bootstrap (Default or Darkroom) is less compatible with plugins than Modus (even if I like Bootstrap Darkroom very very much, [Github] Piwigo issue #858)



#10 2019-04-26 10:43:59

Only trying to help

Re: Piwigo 2.10 and updated Modus as default theme

hannah wrote:

erAck wrote:

One thing that strikes me is the display of number of images in albums in the menu

Hi, I am not sure I understand which part you find "alien" would it be possible to reiterate, or explain differently which part you are talking about?

Best said with a screenshot I guess.. the numbers stand much more out than the album names.

Running Piwigo at



#11 2019-05-28 12:14:49

Piwigo Team
Nantes, France, Europe

Re: Piwigo 2.10 and updated Modus as default theme

Yesterday we made a big move on : by default Modus is used, with the new skins!

New skins will be soon available to any Modus user, be it on or self-hosted :-)


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