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(3 extensions)

Mug Shot

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Revision 1.2.1 (2018-03-12)

  • Author: cccraig
  • Categories: Plugin
  • Tags: tags, faces
  • Available languages: 1 (see)
  • Compatible with: Piwigo releases 2.10, 2.9, 2.8
  • Downloads: 8032
English [GB]

About: This is a fork of the piwigo-facetag plugin and adds a bit more functionality. The code base has been rewritten using an object literal class style and includes some new features. Please note that it is NOT COMPATIBLE WITH THE ORIGINAL.

1) Group mapping; You can specify the groups allowed to tag faces.
2) Support for deleting individual tags on an image.
3) Mass updates; No need to click the button for each tag.
4) Tag will resize/shift when new image size is selected.
5) Must be logged in to tag faces.
6) Does not require Jquery (scripts or styles) if you're into that.

See github ( for info about use and theme compatibility.

Changes: Should fix issue noted by Jessy about custom database prefix.

Piwi Bar

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Revision 0.9 (2018-02-05)

English [UK]

About: Simple plugin to add a configurable popup bar to your site.

Changes: Simple plugin to display a notification bar.

Change colors and links
Specify a duration to show, i.e. show one week then hide or show once and hide.

Checks for changes to the notification bar url link or message to update the cookies. A Future version will allow several messages to be queued and/or listen for the addition of new galleries to automatically display a message.engl

Fancy Footer

1 2 3 4 5

Revision 1.0.5 (2017-11-06)

Bahasa Indonesia [ID] Deutsch [DE] English [UK]
Français [FR] Português [PT] Svenska [SE]
ภาษาไทย [TH] ខ្មែរ [KH] 中文 (简体) [CN]
日本語 [JP]

About: Developed a "Fancy" footer plugin that uses a hook to deposit a styled banner at the bottom of Piwigo pages.

* Social Media Links - Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Google+, and YouTube
* Business Logo
* Business name, address, hours, and phone number,
* About me for business

Tested Themes:
* Bootstrap Darkroom
* Bootstrap Default
* Sylvia
* Clear
* Elegant
* Dark

Tested primarily on the Bootstrap darkroom theme. Not sure of performance on themes other than those tested but I think it will probably work with most of the Piwigo themes. The local files editor plugin can be used to edit styling.

Changes: Noticed irregularities with the social media icons (stacking vertically). Should be fixed to stack horizontally. Deleted some "junk" style code that was not being used. Modified two styles #about_block became .about and #contact_block became .contact.

(3 extensions)
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